Please consider it only for play. I myself have never used it for playing, but it was stored for personal use, so please understand that there is a possibility that there are some scratches and stains that cannot be seen by my eyes.
I will ship it with measures against folds and water damage. No pets or smokers. We do not accept single item price reductions or bulk purchase requests at this time. No cancellations or returns will be accepted after purchase decision has been made. Type... Single Card
サーナイト R BW3 ヘイルブリザード 028/052
シリーズ: BW
セット: BW3 ヘイルブリザード
カード名: サーナイト
型番: BW3
レアリティ: R
種別... シングルカード
Please consider it only for play. I myself have never used it for playing, but it was stored for personal use, so please understand that there is a possibility that there are some scratches and stains that cannot be seen by my eyes.
I will ship it with measures against folds and water damage.
No pets or smokers.
We do not accept single item price reductions or bulk purchase requests at this time.
No cancellations or returns will be accepted after purchase decision has been made.
Type... Single Card
リザードン 、box、ボスの司令、リーリエ、旧裏面、ポケモンカードゲーム、gx、まとめ、未開封、引退、psa、ピカチュウ、ひかる、ミュウツー、高騰
、ピカチュウ、デデンネgx 、ザシアンv、アルセウス&ディアルガ&パルキアGX、